Shawn Zou is a proficient digital script supervisor, primarily skilled in using Peter Skarratt templates, along with a working knowledge of Script-E. He’s currently part of the 2023 trainee scheme at Sara Putt Associates.

Shawn’s expertise was honed through a GBCT script supervision course led by Sarah Hayward, which followed his academic achievements: a Master’s degree in Filmmaking from the London Film School and a Bachelor’s degree in Film and Media Art from Hong Kong Baptist University.

His comprehensive film school education has equipped him with a solid understanding of film grammar. This expertise makes him a reliable asset for directors and DPs, especially in managing technical continuity aspects such as eyelines, screen direction, and other continuity details.

Shawn is bilingual, fluent in both English and his native Mandarin Chinese, and possesses a good command of Cantonese Chinese.

He also offers to provide examples of his paperwork upon request.